Sunday, January 29, 2012

hospitality and other stuff

today, we returned to Watoto Central for a service

the music was bumping, the preaching was passionate - it was good to be back

and after a couple days here - I’ve finally started to feel myself again


the people of Uganda are so friendly and Watoto’s hospitality continues to inspire

it is such a challenge to me

they make us feel most welcome at every turn - to the point of embarrassment, treating us as their honoured guests


how does hospitality play into my own life? in our lives?

do we accept warmly with open arms? do we treat others as our honoured guests?

with all that we have, are we generously giving it away?


tomorrow morning we are heading up to Gulu - we are expecting a 5 hour trip

looking forward to seeing another side of this beautiful country

they say the people in the north are more friendly
they say the temperature is hotter

I’ll fill you in on both


thanks for journeying along with us - not sure if anyone’s reading (if not - it’s good for me to slow down and remember the day)


  1. Thanks for the updates! I am definitely reading everyday!! :) -Brie

  2. Thanks for the updates. Sounds like everyone is adjusting well. We'll be praying for safe travels for all of you as you head to Gulu tomorrow.

    God bless you and may you be a blessing to all those your encounter.

    Harry R

  3. I am reading! Trying to feel as though I am there with you guys! Safe travels tomorrow. Kels...great video premier.
