Monday, February 6, 2012


more and more in life I am confronted by the tension all around us

our time in Uganda has been no different


far more than physically, our time has has been emotionally and spiritually exhausting

there is this tension of being present to help and yet utterly overwhelmed with the immensity of the need

there is another tension of being blessed to help and yet the weight of guilt (having been blessed to be born where I was)

I know these are not new - yet we are confronted by them daily


I do not pretend to think that we will swoop in here and change everything (nor do I think we should) - only that we have been called by God to come, so we answered

our following looks much more like humbly working alongside those who already are serving so faithfully: national workers, missionaries, etc...and they are so gracious to let us


the emotional taxation happens when we (by nature) open up our hearts to those we meet and get to know

it’s as if we are in a constant cycle of hello’s and goodbye’s

we are growing quite adept at the greetings...yet I find myself paining more at the farewells...


enough paining for now - suffice it to say that we love it here and that is why it is hard


  1. Great to hear the stories and see the 'heart of the mission'. Praying for you all!

  2. As I read this post about feeling as though there is so much to do, I couldn't help but think about the following scripture. May the whole team be blessed.

    1 Corinthians 3:8 The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will
    be rewarded according to his own labor.


  3. Sometimes having compassion hurts the heart. But you ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE for the Kingdom of God, and that's what counts. God bless each one.
