Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

video post with Vic Reimer

heading to the airport in a few hours

it’s been a great experience for all - with many surprises along the way


and God is good


we have an extended layover in London - and are expected to be back in Regina at 12:30am on Thursday (pretty much Wednesday night)

Monday, February 13, 2012

update and video post from Donalda

our time in Uganda is wrapping up very quickly, as we fly out late Tuesday night Uganda time

last night, we took in a cultural show - definitely a highlight for many team members

today, we took part in a church conference in Kampala with a few members presenting (with interpreter and all) - Randy Schmor from the NAB even popped over from Cameroon to join us

it has been quite the experience and we have many stories to tell

I hope this blog has been a little helpful for you to keep track of where we’ve been and what we’ve been doing

there is so much more to write and share

but we’ll see y’all in a few more days

Saturday, February 11, 2012

update and video post from Tim Reimer

so, we made it back to Kampala after a very long drive

the differences between Kampala and Gulu are striking

we did some market shopping yesterday and did some village touring today

enjoyed a lunch in homes in this aft and were able to visit the classrooms we had built 2 years ago - still standing!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

safari day

we have been so blessed and so pampered

went for our early morning game drive - we were met by numerous elephants - video to come

chanced to see a lioness creepying after her prey and a couple young cubs of hers

giraffes, more hippos, and lots of others

we took our japanese mini-van - it's roof opens up and you can sit on top as well as one of the Lodge's Land Cruisers


spent our afternoon by the pool and then back out for an evening drive seeing more nature - what a beautiful place this country is

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

a full day

so we left Gulu and said our goodbyes (some tearful) to our new friends

we began to make our way to Paraa Safari Lodge

let me list a few things that happened on our way:

- came across an elephant that poachers had shot 3 days prior and many people were still hacking off meat and bone - delicious?

- our bus broke down and we crammed in to our luggage van while some sat on the side of the hot, Ugandan road

- we saw elephants meandering through the country-side


when we finally arrived at our destination - we sat down for a quick lunch before heading out on a 3 hour Nile Cruise - seeing many elephants, hippos, crocodiles and many other creatures

tomorrow, we are up early for our 6am game drive in the park - hoping to see many more nocturnal animals


here is our extravagant accomodations:

Monday, February 6, 2012

video post with Lorenda Selinger


more and more in life I am confronted by the tension all around us

our time in Uganda has been no different


far more than physically, our time has has been emotionally and spiritually exhausting

there is this tension of being present to help and yet utterly overwhelmed with the immensity of the need

there is another tension of being blessed to help and yet the weight of guilt (having been blessed to be born where I was)

I know these are not new - yet we are confronted by them daily


I do not pretend to think that we will swoop in here and change everything (nor do I think we should) - only that we have been called by God to come, so we answered

our following looks much more like humbly working alongside those who already are serving so faithfully: national workers, missionaries, etc...and they are so gracious to let us


the emotional taxation happens when we (by nature) open up our hearts to those we meet and get to know

it’s as if we are in a constant cycle of hello’s and goodbye’s

we are growing quite adept at the greetings...yet I find myself paining more at the farewells...


enough paining for now - suffice it to say that we love it here and that is why it is hard

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Video post from Clay Bromm

Sunday Sunday

wow - what a day, what a day (said in a distinctly Ugandan accent)

first church at Watoto Gulu surrounded by our new friends

we went out to Laminadera (the name of the village where we built the classroom) after church for a traditional lunch in different houses (comprised of a house mom and up to 8 children)

some of us were fortunate enough to visit and eat in the homes of children we sponsor - what a wonderful gift!

we played soccer with the kids and took many many pictures - the kids love being able to use our cameras and then see themselves - we laugh and laugh and laugh


tomorrow we are to visit Living Hope (a women’s ministry) and hopefully have a chance to visit Invisible Children’s Gulu headquarters

it has been an amazing trip thus far - we are about half-way through with so much more

we are all trying to soak up as much as possible while we are here


not entirely sure - but pretty sure that Gulu was one of (if not the) hottest places on earth today

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Baby Watoto and random thoughts

today we visited Baby Watoto Gulu

we cuddled and played for hours and hours - not enough for most of the women it seems

we mopped and washed and swept and cleaned


I am consistently impressed with the forethought, vision, and functioning of Watoto - this ministry keeps impressing and surprising me

it is such a honour to work alongside them

their grace and patience with us is never-ending it seems


we are so looking forward to church tomorrow with Watoto Gulu (even joined by some of our new friends in the neighbourhood)

thanks for reading and praying and caring


question for you: when are you going to Uganda?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Video post with Greg Selinger


the sun was beating down - the day already heating up toward the forecasted high of 37

the teams had assembled and lined up opposing each other

the Canadians led with a rousing version of the Ugandan national anthem

the Ugandans followed with another local song

the Canadians responded a boisterous Canadian national anthem   

the game began awkwardly at best with the Ugandans demanding the respect of the Canadians

but the competition was stiff and the Canadians surprised their opponents

at half, the score was still 0-0 (in favour of the Canadians)

the Ugandans began the 2nd half with a quick score off a sloppy Canadian turnover

1-0 Uganda

but the lead would be short-lived as they Canadians answered with some masterful passing and Marianne Engel scoring the tying goal


the teams would go back and forth with a few more chances each

but the whistle would blow, ending the game in a 1-1 draw


which is a win for the Canadians in my book

Thursday, February 2, 2012

the classroom is done!

we’ve had a couple good days working at the site and finished the building a day early

we have been challenged by the Ugandan workers to a match of futbol (soccer) so we will be playing them tomorrow morning

having memorized their national anthem - we intend to strike fear in the heart of our opposition before getting our butts handed to us

they have some extra work for us to do tomorrow - probably painting, etc.


the guest house in Gulu is in such a beautiful spot - right in the heart of a community

most of the team went for a walk through the village - we had many followers and many good memories

our new neighbour - Deborah

hut with solar panel

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

a video post from Marianne Engel

and if you're interested - here's the link to our splendid guest house here in Gulu:

an unpaid advertisement

this blog post is brought to you by Dukoral

- thank you Dukoral

and for those of you reading on mobile devices - I've now optimized it for you too

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gulu - Day 1

we made the trek from Kampala to Gulu

the road was a vast improvement from what we had experienced last time

the trip did take about 5 hours altogether

and we were once again blown away by how amazing our accommodations were


we were up for a 6am breakfast to be ready to be at the work site by 7am

we wanted to get working as soon as possible as it gets quite hot in the afternoons in Gulu

Watoto provides skilled workers to work alongside us as we build - and we all have a blast getting to know each other, butchering each other’s name, and making fun of each other

it was a very productive morning and we wrapped up early, having done all we could do for the day - I must say, I’m very impressed with this team


we are back to the build site tomorrow and they have assured us that if we finish early - they will create more work for us


ps - I am in the process of finding nicknames for each of the team members (details coming soon)   

down a street in Kampala

some friends we met on our way to Gulu

our neighbours right beside our guest house in Gulu

first day on the work site

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Travel Tips with Tyson

we are up and heading to Gulu soon - so not much to report over night

however, I thought I’d fill you in on a couple things - good advice as it were:

when traveling internationally (say through Heathrow Airport in London), make sure not to leave the secured area once you’ve entered it - especially if you do not have your passport with you

they do not like this (especially if you are trying to get back in without one)

when traveling internationally and find yourself having mistakenly left said secured area without said passport - do not attempt to reverse your steps by running DOWN 4 flights of escalators who happen to be going UP

they do not like this (especially if you have 4 slow women following you)

that’s all for now -

thanks for listening to Travel Tips with Tyson


thanks for the comments so far...if you're reading - drop us a line and let us know

hospitality and other stuff

today, we returned to Watoto Central for a service

the music was bumping, the preaching was passionate - it was good to be back

and after a couple days here - I’ve finally started to feel myself again


the people of Uganda are so friendly and Watoto’s hospitality continues to inspire

it is such a challenge to me

they make us feel most welcome at every turn - to the point of embarrassment, treating us as their honoured guests


how does hospitality play into my own life? in our lives?

do we accept warmly with open arms? do we treat others as our honoured guests?

with all that we have, are we generously giving it away?


tomorrow morning we are heading up to Gulu - we are expecting a 5 hour trip

looking forward to seeing another side of this beautiful country

they say the people in the north are more friendly
they say the temperature is hotter

I’ll fill you in on both


thanks for journeying along with us - not sure if anyone’s reading (if not - it’s good for me to slow down and remember the day)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Kelsey's video post

it's good to be back

to catch you up:

we arrived at Entebbe airport around 10:30pm Uganda time and were very pleased to meet our host - Apollo (pronounced like apple-o) who was one of our hosts on our last visit to Uganda

he led us out of the airport to where our transportation was waiting with our driver, Anthony (pronounced Anthony) who was also one of our previous hosts

arriving in the dark is always a little disorienting for people, especially if they’ve never been to a place before

we arrived at our guest house (also where we had stayed before) around 1am and were all very ready for bed

by 5:30am the rooster in the alley behind us was already doing his best to get us up and going...followed quickly by the call to prayer at the local mosque and a stray dog

but the morning would come and it’s great to be back

7 of us have been here previously - but for Vic, Tim, Marianne and Kelsey - this is all new

we enjoyed a delicious breakfast from our great guest house and then off to Watoto Central for our orientation and welcome

after an impromtu high school musical invite we headed for lunch (see previous post)

we returned to the guest house and everyone is ready for bed by 6pm - but are trying to push to a late 8 to turn in

we’re heading back to Watoto Central for churchy-church and then more good times before our journey to Gulu to start building

lunch time

Friday, January 27, 2012

arrived in Uganda!

so - we finally made it

I'll update with more info soon - but wanted to make sure you know that we're alive

getting ready to leave London

Thursday, January 26, 2012

waiting to leave Toronto

day 1 cont'd

made it to Toronto safe and sound.

we have a few hours here and then off to London.

more to follow...

FYI - Uganda is 9 hours ahead

day 1

having successfully passed through check-in and security (with only 2 members having been thoroughly 'fondled' - Greg and Marianne) we are ready to begin our journey

personally, I am so excited to go with this team - we are blessed to have such a great group of people

please pray for each as often as you remember:

- Clay, Tim, Vic, Marianne, Kelsey, Wendy, Greg, Lorenda, Donalda, Christine and Tyson

we'll keep you as updated as possible (as internet access is available)

- heading to Toronto this afternoon and then on to London by 6:30am local - should make it to Uganda tomorrow at 10pm local