Tuesday, February 16, 2010

a new game (at least for me)

something I forgot to include in the post about our trip to our safari lodge - so I'll include it now.

*warning* this story is immature and juvenile; those who are easily offended should discontinue reading.

a group of my friends traveled to South America a few years ago. they backpacked around and saw lots of sights. they traveled by bus often (not unlike ourselves)

on one such bus trip, my friend (who shall remain nameless) found a new game to play during the endless hours bouncing around the south-american landscape on horrible roads while hot and sweaty. the game was called the 'don't poop your pants game.'

I of course, upon hearing this story was far too mature to understand how this could be, laughing it off as juvenile myself. I thought he was exaggerating. I thought he was delirious.


then I came to Africa.

yesterday, from 4am to noon, bouncing around rural Africa, I played the 'don't poop your pants game'

and for the record...I won!

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